Icewine Gala in Niagara Falls, Canada
Unfortunately, do to circumstances including the rise in public health risk, the 2022 Icewine Gala in Niagara Falls is postponed to 2023.
Icewine Season in Niagara continues, please explore the Icewine Discovery Pass.

Niagara Icewine Gala in Niagara Falls
Welcome To Wine Country
For wine lovers, cold-weather means one thing: Icewine. ‘Tis the season for sweet sippers by the fire; for endless cheese boards and Vidal. Niagara is home to some of Canada’s most celebrated Icewine producers. If you’ve never tried this liquid gold, there’s no better time than right now to explore Niagara Icewine.
Niagara Icewine Gala
JANUARY 15th, 2022
1pm – 3:30pm
& 7pm – 9:30pm
Two sessions available on JAN 15th. Each ticket includes one session.
Indulge in Ontario’s VQA Icewine culture and thriving culinary scene.
Niagara Icewine Gala
JANUARY 16th, 2022
1pm – 3:30pm
One session available on JAN 16th.
The ultimate brunch scene. Indulge in decadent dishes paired with sparkling VQA wines.
Here’s to the Countryside, Where Good Things Grow.
Award-winning wine and cuisine is the heart and soul of Niagara: full-bodied vintages, world-class food, wine and craft beverages, all served with a side of good old-fashioned hospitality.
Dates & Time
Each ticket includes access to one session.
SAT January 15th
1:00 pm – 3:30pm
7:00pm – 9:30pm
SUN January 16th
1:00pm – 3:30pm
Contact Us
Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!